Craft brewing is a production of non-industrial varieties of beer, which are characterized for original taste and brewed under individual (customized) special recipes.
For the first time, craft brewing as a term denoting original mini-breweries originated in Great Britain in the 70th last year.
Small breweries became popular due to the fact that they could address the tastes of the customers and demonstrated an innovative approach to brewing beer, inclination to experiment an search for new recipes.
Craft beer can be both traditional, for instance, Czech, Hungarian or German, and can contain additives from fruit, berries, chocolate and even milk.
Specialists of the Apsheronsk brewery offer you to taste four varieties of craft beer, original recipes of which have been developed by our brewers.
1. New England IPA
Light non-filtered beer. This is aromatic and strong beer, with a tropical fruits flavor. The beer is brewed using 5 types of hops and 5 varieties of malt. It is sold being non-filtered.
2. Viennese. Krasnyi Lager
The beer with amber color and slight bitter; it is brewed by the Austrian recipe of 4 varieties of malt and German hops. It is sold being non-filtered.
3. Munich Wheat Beer
Light non-filtered beer. The beer is brewed by the Munich technology according to the German Beer Purity Law. The beer has a pleasant aroma of banana, lemon and cloves. It is sold being non-filtered.
4. American Blonde ALE
Light filtered, non-pasteurized beer. The light summer beer with a slight hopping, as well as a lemon and grapefruit aroma. It is sold being non-filtered.